Revelation 10: Mighty Angel and a Little Book

 Revelation 10: Mighty Angel and a Little Book

v1-7: The Mighty Angel

This chapter is an interlude before the seventh trumpet will be describe in Chapter 11:15.  John saw a mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud with rainbow over his head. His face was like a sun and his legs like pillars of fire.  (v1)

Some believe that this 'mighty angel' could be Jesus. as the description are not applied to other angels before. In Revelation 1:15-16, John described Jesus' face that looks like the sun, and his legs like burnished bronze. Also the rainbow is over God's throne. Only difference is that he did not say that Jesus' legs are pillars of fire (which does not mean real fire, but "like" it.)  However, I think John recognized who Jesus is, and did not call the angel Son of Man as he did in chapter 1. Hence, there is a possibility this is really a high-level angel. 

The angel had a "little" scroll in his hands, and he stood with his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the land. He called out with a loud voice and seven thunders replied and said something that John was about to write them down. However a voice from heaven said "Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down." (v2-4)

Standing on the sea and earth meant that his authority is over the entire earth.  In KJV, the "little scroll" was translated to "little book." Some say this book acts as an authority given to the angel to fulfill his mission, and the content may be what the seven thunder said.

However, God chose not to reveal what the thunders have said at this time. The scripture did not explain who the seven thunders were.  

Then John saw the angel raised his hand to heaven and swore by the name of God the creator that there should not be a delay any longer. When the seventh angel blow the seventh trumpet, and mystery of God would be finished as He has announced to the prophets. (v5-7)

We do not know what the "mystery of God" specifically referring to. David Guzik, lists what are   "mysteries" stated in the bible: 

(a) Ultimate conversion of the Jewish people (Rom 11:25); 

(b) God's purpose for the church (Eph 3:3-11); 

(c) Bringing in the fullness of the Gentiles (Rom 11:25); 

(d) The living presence of Jesus in the believer (Col 1:27-2:3); and 

(e) The Gospel (Col 4:3).   

v8-11: John Ate The Little Book

God told John to eat the little book that is open in the hand of the angel. John went to the angel and asked to the book. The angel said “Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.” (v9)

In Ezekiel 3:1-3, the prophet was also commanded to eat a scroll, the revelation of God to Israel. “Such an action symbolized the reception of the Word of God into the innermost being as a necessary prerequisite to proclaim it with confidence.” (Elizabeth Johnson)

When John ate the book, it was sweet as honey in his mouth, but when he swallowed it, his stomach became bitter.  (v10) Some say that the sweetness represents the joy and comfort that comes from receiving God’s Word, while the bitterness represents the sorrow and distress that comes from the judgments of God to unbelievers in the tribulation. 

God told him: “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.” (v11) More prophecies will be revealed to John, and these prophecies apply to all nations, not just the Jews. 



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