Revelation Overview

I. Background

a) Author and When It Was Written

The book of Revelation was written by Apostle John, son of Zebedee, when he was exiled to the island of Patmos (Ch 1:9) by the Romans for his teaching of the Gospel. John was said to be born in 6 AD, and died in 100 AD at age of 94. He was one of the "inner circle" of Jesus's disciples. The other in the inner circle were Peter and James. 

The year that John wrote Revelation was controversial. Some said is the 40's AD, others said in the 90's AD. Most people also believe that John wrote Revelation just before he died. If he wrote it when he was 90 years old, then it should be around 96 AD.  I wonder what will we be doing when we are 90 years old!

b) What is the basic message?

Revelation basically describe the 7 years of tribulation, starting with warnings and praise to the 7 churches, and ending with the coming of Jesus, where He will reign for 1000 years. After that, God will create a new heaven (universe) and earth, for us to live forever. The 7 years of tribulation are divided half - 3.5 years of "false peace", and 3.5 years of the "great tribulation."

The purpose of the book is to give Christians an encouragement, with a promised hope that Jesus will come again. It motivates us to be faithful and to urgently reach out to the lost, for the final judgement will come soon. 

Revelation is not an easy book to understand. It's a book of prophecy of the far future. It is difficult to understand even for the author himself, just as Daniel were filled with confusion and fear when he has a vision of the future empires including the Roman empire, even though it was just over 500 years ahead of his time. 

John is like the Daniel of the New Testament, seeing things at the end of time around 1900-2000 years in the future. Describing things he saw in the far future that he doesn't even know will one day exist, were even more  challenging.  For example, if John had a vision of a plane or a nuclear missile, how can John describe what he saw? Much of his description are based on combining the things he was familiar with at his time. 

However, when we are near to the time of fulfillment, our eyes are opened when we can connect what is happening in the world to what was said in the scripture. Whatever we interpret now is still subjected to changes as we see the actual things happening.  

c) Who are the Key Players and Key Places?

There are the key players

  • God the Creator: The judge of all unbelievers, and the redeemer of all believers, through Jesus Christ. The creator of the new heaven and new earth. 
  • The angels and cherubim: who praise the Lord everyday and execute God's judgment on the earth.
  • The 24 elders who sat around the throne of God: They worship together with the angels, and a witness to God's plan. The seat on thrones and wearing crowns of gold, symbolizing authority and leadership.
  • The Lamb (Jesus Christ): Referred to as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and the King of Kings.
  • The Seven Churches: Representing the churches during the time of John.  
  • The Dragon (Satan): The primary antagonist, representing evil and opposition to God.
  • Michael the Archangel: Leading the angelic host in the battle against the dragon.
  • The Beast from the Sea (Antichrist): A figure of immense power and deception, that took leadership during the tribulation.
  • The Beast from the Earth (False Prophet): Promotes the worship of the Antichrist.
  • 144,000 Israelites: they were selected by God for the purpose of reaching out to the unbelievers. They will be raptured (2nd rapture) when their work is completed.  
  • Two witnesses: they appeared in Jerusalem, preaching the gospel. They cannot be eliminated until near the end of the seven years. They were killed, and was resurrected and ascend to heaven.
  • Believers and Unbelievers on earth:  After the first rapture, many of the unbelievers became believers and were persecuted by the anti-Christ. Believers who died went into heaven. Those who survive were raptured (3rd rapture) before Jesus' return. Many of the unbelievers were killed when Christ return for the final war. Those who survived the final war will live under Christ's reign. 

There are the key places:
  • The Woman: Symbolizing Israel, she is depicted as giving birth to a male child (Jesus).
  • Babylon: Symbolically represents a powerful and corrupt world system, led by the anti-Christ.
  • The 10 nations: They are the nations which supported the anti-Christ. 
  • The Harlot: described as a city that was drunk with blood of believers and to whom all nations admire. This is often interpreted as Rome, who did these crimes during Roman rule. It was supporting the anti-Christ, but eventually it rebelled and was destroyed by the 10 nations. 
  • Jerusalem: Mentioned as the "holy city" and replaced by the "New Jerusalem", representing the ultimate dwelling place of God with His people.

d) The Format of the Book of Revelation

One of my key mistake in the past, was to assume the events in Revelation happened sequentially. I assumed that the disasters and wars get worse and worse from the Seals to the Trumpets, and from the Trumpets to the Bowls. I get confused when similar plagues or disasters happened again in later chapters, and when John saw people just appeared in heaven for no explanation at all.

I later found out that Revelation is not sequential. An analogy would be like peeling an onion, where general information comes first, but as you peel, it gives you the details. Also some events he describe in later chapters are actually flashbacks. For example, he saw the birth of a baby, who was Jesus, which happened in the past (Revelation 12:5).   

In this overview,  I attempt to line up the events in a chronological manner. I've also put in a fictional timeline for each event, to give a framework to know which events come first, or come later.  I've given summary of the interpretation, when necessary, to keep this blog short. For details, please go to the specific chapter's blog. 

Note that these are my own personal opinion, and there may be inaccuracies in terms of which event comes first, or the estimated period it falls on. The goal is to help me understand the end-to-end story line of the vision. Do not take is as the absolute truth, which is still a controversy till this day.

II. Chronological Order of Events

Note: T+x stands for (Start of Tribulation) + (Year of Tribulation).  Eg: T+1 means the first year of the seven year Tribulation. 

1. Jesus's Birth and Ascension To Heaven - Ch 12:1-5.  [4BC-30AD]  John saw a vision of a woman (i.e. Israel) who was pregnant with Jesus (via Mary). However the dragon (Satan) was waiting for the birth of Jesus so that he can kill Him. When He was born, God protected him until He was snatched (ascended) to heaven to His throne.  This happened in the years when Jesus was born, died, resurrected, and ascended to Heaven. 

2. Greetings to the Seven Churches - Ch 1. [96AD]  John greets the Seven Churches, and described his vision of the Son of Man, who asked him to write down what he sees, and send it to the seven churches. (We assume John wrote Revelation in 96AD.)

3. Messages to the Seven Churches - Ch 2 and 3. [96AD] John wrote to the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. Out of these 7 churches, only Smyrna and Philadelphia had been found completely faithful. The rest were praised for what they did well, and chastised for what they did wrong. Only Laodicia was not praised at all. 

4. Conclusion of the Letters - Ch 22:6-21.  [96AD] When John's vision ended, he wrote a conclusion to the seven churches. He quoted Jesus who said: "“And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

5. Lineage of the anti-Christ and the Modern Babylon - Ch 17:9-11  [96AD] This was from an angel who describe the history of where the anti-Christ and Modern Babylon came from. 

The future Babylon was linked to the five past ancient kingdoms, which are Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Greece. These five world empires have all faded away.  The "one is" refers to Roman kingdom, which was the existing kingdom in John's time, i.e. 96 AD. 

The seventh kingdom (future Babylon) will come in the far future, and out of that kingdom, will come the anti-Christ.  

Note: I believe that we - the current living Christians - will be raptured before T+1, i.e. known as pre-tribulation rapture. So all the events from T+1 onwards, we won't be able to see them from earth, but we will see from heaven. Our rapture will be the first one, but there are two more raptures during the tribulation, which is described in my blogs.

6. The Throne in Heaven - Ch 4. [T+1]  The first thing that John saw in the future were 24 elders sitting around God's brilliant and white throne. There are four "living creatures" in front of God's throne - they are the cherubim. All the elders and the livings beings were continually worshiping God. 

This vision starts the tribulation in the first of seven years. The 24 elders are thought to be prophets from Old Testament and the apostles, which may include John himself.

7. The Lamb took the scroll.  - Ch 5. [T+1]  God held a scroll on His right hand, but no one was worthy to take the scroll. John begin to weep, but suddenly the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus) appeared, looking like it had been slaughtered (reminder of His crucifixion). He stepped forward and took the scroll. Everyone fell down before the Lamb, for He is the only one worthy to take the scroll!   

8. First Seal - White Horse. - Ch 6:1-2 [T+1]  Jesus broke the first of the seven seals. A rider with a bow rode out on white horse, in order to conquer. This refers to the anti-Christ. He has a bow, which means that powerful weapons are within his access. But he does not have any arrows, which may indicate he did not use violence or war at the beginning. Rather, he deceived the world and created a false peace treaty for the middle east, including Israel. He became a hero to many people. 

9. Anti-Christ and False Prophet Reveal Themselves - Ch 13:1-2, 11 [T+1]  After the release of the white horse, the dragon (i.e. Satan) raised up the anti-Christ and the False Prophet, and they became popular leaders to the world.   

10. Relationship of the Harlot and anti-Christ - Ch 17:1-8. 18. [T+1]  The relationship between the Harlot and the anti-Christ are revealed. She was rich, immoral, killed many saints, and she sits on top of the anti-Christ. The woman harlot is the great city that has influence over the kings of the earth. The harlot supported the anti-Christ.

(I am not sure who the "harlot" is. However, from John's perspective, Rome was the greatest city in his time. Rome has killed many Jews and Christians during his time, which suits the description of the harlot. Read the blog for Ch 17 for details)

11. Relationship of the Ten Nations and anti-Christ - Ch 17:12-14 [T+1]  The ten horns of the beast (the anti-Christ) are ten kings who co-operate and support the anti-Christ in his mission. In the great tribulation starting in T+3.5, they will hand over all their power and authority to the anti-Christ to lead the war against Israel and the Lord. 

12. 144,000 Israelites Sealed - Ch 7:1-8 [T+1]  When Satan chose the anti-Christ and false prophet, God selected 144.000 Israelites believers from each tribe to preach the Gospel. Note that these Israelites may not all be living in Israel. They were once scattered over the world, so now, they are used to preach the gospel everywhere. This event is early in the tribulation, for the angel said:  "Do no harm to the earth, or sea or trees until they are sealed"  - i.e. no major disasters until they are sealed with God's name on their forehead. That's why the event is in first year of tribulation.

Note: John did not write events from T+2 to T+3.5. During that time, we believe the 144,000 Israelites brought many people to Christ. Meanwhile, the anti-Christ had successfully created a middle-east peace treaty and started to implement the One World currency policy (which is already an idea that exists today - you can google it.) This is the calm before the storm. "When people are saying. 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." (1 Thess 5:3)

13. The War Between Satan and Michael - Ch 12:6-17 [T+3.3]. Near the middle of the 7 years, a war started in heaven, between Satan (Lucifer) and Michael, the arch-angel. Satan lost and was thrown into the earth. He used to have access to the "third heaven" (2 Cor 12:2), where God's throne is (eg: in the story of Job,) However, he can no longer go there anymore.   

14. Second Seal and Third Seal - Ch 6:3-6 [T+3.4]. In the second seal, a Red horse was sent out, symbolizing wars. The third seal sent out a man in a black horse, representing famine and inflation. While wars, famine, and inflation had always been there, these two seals will make them worse.  

15. Anti-Christ Declared War on Israel - Ch 13:3-10 [T+3.5].  Around this time, the anti-Christ head had a mortal wound, probably by assassination with a gun or rifle. However it healed and people were marveled and supported him even more. The anti-Christ broke the treaty with Israel and had conflict with Israel, most likely because the Jews started to worship God on the temple mount. Daniel 9:27 said: "This king (anti-Christ) will make a seven-year treaty with the people, but after half that time, he will break his pledge and stop the Jews from all their sacrifices and their offerings."

At the same time, he is also anti-Christians (i.e. those who accepted Christ after we have been raptured), as his name attest. This period is the start of the Great Tribulation. 

Actual QR won't be so big, as illustrated by AI!

16. The Mark of anti-Christ (666) - Ch 13:12-18 [T+3.6].  The false prophet force people to worship the anti-Christ. He performed great signs to deceive the people. He made all people to wear the mark of the beast, 666, on their right hand or their forehead. This is either a chip under the skin or a QR tattoo on the skin. The technologies exists today. 

They must have started the implementation in T+1 or T+2, as the One World strategy. But now, it is being used as a weapon against Jews and Christians. No one can buy or sell unless he has the mark. Jews or Christians who will not obey the order will be caught or suffer hunger, as they can't buy food.  

17. Two Witnesses - Ch 11:1-14 [T+3.6]. Around the same time, two witnesses appeared in Jerusalem. They preached the Gospel and could not be captured or defeated. Near the end of the 7 years, the anti-Christ managed to kill them. They were laid in public view for all to see, likely via television and internet. However, they resurrected after 3.5 days, and ascended to heaven, similar to what happened to Jesus. I do not consider the two witnesses as being "raptured". Rapture happens to people who are alive in their flesh. But these two were dead and was resurrected.

18. Killing the Harlot - Ch 17:16-18 [T+4]. The ten kings and the anti-Christ hated the harlot. They burn her ("a great city") with fire. I am not sure why they hated the harlot, who was at first on their side. If the harlot is Rome, perhaps it changed their minds are against the anti-Christ for their war against Israel.  I also don't know when this happen, but I put it here so that the deaths mentioned in the fourth seal will include the victims of this war.   

19. Fourth Seal = Ch 6:7-8 [T+4.1]. In the fourth Seal, a rider on a pale horse was sent out, representing Death. The whole tribulation will kill more than one-fourth of population, from wars,  starvation (from famine), and wild beasts. Note that this number did not include those who were still living who were killed by demons in Revelation 9:18, where one-third of the survivors will be killed.

20. Fifth Seal - Ch 6:9-11 [T+6]. Those saved souls who had died under the anti-Christ during the tribulation cried out in heaven, asking when will their blood be avenged.  They were told to wait until the number of their fellow servants are complete. More believers will die as the 7th year approaches. Note that these saints do not include us who had been raptured in pre-tribulation, for we didn't die. 

21. Jesus brought the 144,000 Israelites to heaven - Ch 14:1-5 [T+7}.  The 144000 chosen ones met Jesus as Mt Zion and was taken up (raptured) to heaven, and they sang the song only they know in front of the throne and the elders. This is the second rapture.

22.  Final warning to unbelievers - Ch 14:6-13 [T+7].  Three angels made 3 announcements - (a) to fear God, for the hour of judgment has come, and to worship Him. There is still a small amount of time left to receive the Gospel.  (b) Babylon (the new world system) is fallen (not now, but very soon and it is inevitable). (c) Whoever worships the anti-Christ and has his mark on this forehead or hand, will receive the wrath of God. 

23. The first harvest - Ch 14:14-16 [T+7.3].  The harvest of the believers who were still alive during the tribulation. This "harvest" is the third rapture, after the rapture of 144,000 Israelites. 

24. Multitudes of People Appeared in Heaven - Ch 7:9-17 [T+7.3].   John saw the multitude from the first harvest. Note that John did not say that they had died - instead they have "come out" or "raptured" from the great tribulation. They are the third and last to be raptured. The first is the pre-tribulation rapture (of ourselves), the second is the 144,000 Israelites.

25. Sixth Seal - Global Disaster = Ch 6:12-17 [T+7.4].  This is a summary description of the end-days disaster that will happen in the next few months. 

John saw a great earthquake, sun became black, moon became like blood; "stars" (or missiles) fell from the sky. Sky vanishing like a scroll, mountains and island was removed. Kings of the earth and every one hide themselves in caves saying "the great day of their wrath has come". This is an overview of the Trumpets and Bowls, that will give more details of the disaster.

26. Seventh Seal - Interlude - Ch 8:1-6 {T+7.4]. Before the Trumpets and Bowls disasters were poured out, there was silence in heaven for 30 minutes, probably in compassion to those who still reject Christ. They will face the worst curses and disasters. Then the seven trumpets were given to seven angels. 

27. The First Four Trumpets - Ch 8:7-13 [T+7.4]. Each trumpet brings a disaster to the world, similar to a nuclear war:

a) First Trumpet - A third of the earth was burned up.  (nuclear warfare?) 

b) Second Trumpet - A third of the sea became blood, a third of creatures died, a third of the ships destroyed. (nuclear missiles against the war ships?) 

c) Third Trumpet - Third of the water because poisoned --- radioactive water and chemical warfare?   

d) Fourth Trumpet - The day darkened by a third - a common aftermath of nuclear war, where the dust from the earth rose up and cover the sky. 

28. The Fifth & Sixth Trumpet - Ch 9:1-21 [T+7.5]. These seems to be demons attack on humans:

a) Fifth Trumpet - Locusts came out of the abyss and have a human faces. This appears to be spiritual demons. They are to torture men for 5 months, but they are not allowed to kill them. 

b) Sixth Trumpet - Four bounded (imprisoned) angels were released (fallen angels?) and led an army of 200 million demon troops to kill a third of mankind. Note that one-fourth of the population had already died from wars as mentioned by Ch 6:7-8. The one-third is of those who remains.  In total, more than half of world population would have died in this seven years. 

29. Hidden Scroll - Interlude - Ch 10 [T+7.6]. A mighty angel gave a scroll to John, but God told him not to copy the content and instructed him to swallow the scroll. We won't know what the scroll says until we get to heaven. 

30. Seventh Trumpet - Interlude - Ch 11:15-19 [T+7.6].  A loud voice heard from heaven, proclaiming victory for the God and Jesus. The elders worshipped God, and God's temple was opened and the ark of the covenant was seen within his temple. Note that the seventh Seal and the seventh Trumpet, they were interludes and there were no disasters mentioned. 

31. Seven Plagues - Interlude - Ch 15 [T+7.6].  John saw all the saints who had resisted the beast, refused to worship its image, and rejected the number of its name, who sang a song of the Lamb. Then seven angels with plagues were given seven bowls of wrath. The sanctuary was closed and no one can approach God until the seven plagues are completed. 

32. First to Fifth Bowls = Ch 16:1-11 [T+7.7]. These are the results of the "plague", which could also be further details of the symptoms of nuclear war or disasters in the Trumpets: 

(a) Bowl 1 -  Painful sores - can be due to radiation.  

(b) Bowl 2 -  Every living thing died in the sea - more creatures died in the sea.  

(c) Bowl 3 -  Springs of water became blood - in addition to sea water in Ch8, even fresh water became blood due to all the death of creatures, saints and unbelievers. 

(d) Bowl 4 -  The people are scorched by fierce heat - either from the sun, or from the effect of nuclear bombs. 

(e) Bowl 5 - The city/nation of anti-Christ plunged into darkness - could be a result of bombs destroying the power stations.

33. Sixth Bowl - Ch 16:12-16 [T+7.8}. Satan, the anti-christ, and the false prophets (the Evil Trinity) assembled the kings of the whole world to assemble them to battle with Jesus at Armageddon.

34. Jesus return to earth - Ch 19:11-18 [T+7.8]. Jesus came to earth, together with the armies of heaven in white linen (the saints). All of them were riding white horses. Jesus' robe was dipped in blood (most likely, symbolic of the blood from the cross), and his thigh has a name written: King of kings and Lord of lords. 

35. Destruction of Babylon - Ch 19:19; Ch 18 {T+7.8].  Ch 19:19 says the anti-Christ and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to war against Jesus. Ch 18 describe the destruction of Babylon -  "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!" The kings of the earth wept over the city when they see the smoke of her burning. They threw dust on their heads as they wept and mourned, crying out, “Alas, alas, for the great city where all who had ships at sea grew rich by her wealth! For in a single hour she has been laid waste."

36. Seventh Bowl - Ch 16:17-21 [T+7.8]. Babylon the Great was split into 3 parts, cities of all nations fell, every island and mountain disappeared, huge hailstones fell on them. This ends the war with the anti-Christ.

37. The anti-Christ and false prophet were captured. Ch 19:20-21 [T-7.8]. The anti-Christ and the false prophet were thrown into the lake of fire; the rest of their armies were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of Jesus. 

37. Harvest of the Grapes of Wrath - Ch 14:17-20 [7.8]. This is the harvest of the unbelievers; they were thrown into the "great winepress" of God, and there were so much blood that it splattered up to the height of a horses' bridles, spread over 300 KM of land. 

Note: All the non-believer souls will go to hades, where the sinful rich man was (Luke 16:19-13). They are to wait there for the final judgement 1000 years later (Rev 20:12)

38. Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Ch 19:1-10 [T+7.9]. John saw a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven celebrating, saying "“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his judgments are true and just; for he has judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality, and has avenged on her the blood of his servants.” 

This was followed by the Marriage Supper of the Lamb - the multitude cry out: "Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”

Note: The Marriage of the Lamb could have happened before Jesus return to the earth, as per what was written in Chapter 19. However, because the multitude said that God has avenged the blood of his servants, seems to indicate the war on earth had already been won. Also, this victory and joyful marriage after the war, flows nicely into Chapter 20 which is the peaceful millennial reign of Christ. 

39.  The imprisonment of Satan and the millennial reign - Ch 20:1-6 [T+8 to T+1007]. An angel seized Satan, and threw him into a pit and bound him for a thousand years. The saints became the priests of God and of Christ, and reign with Christ for a thousand years. Note that "unsaved" humans still exist at this point, as many as half of the original population who survived the Great Tribulation. They will be ruled by Jesus and the saints will be His administrators. 

40. Satan escaped and lead a rebellion - Ch 20:7-15 [T+1008]. Some of the nations would still rejected Christ after 1000 years of peace. Perhaps the generation at that time has forgotten what Jesus had done and how Jesus saved their unbelieving ancestors from death. Satan was released and gather their armies to surround Jerusalem. However, fire came down from heaven and consumed them. Satan was thrown into the lake of fire, where the anti-Christ and false prophet were. The non-believing dead from Hades were judged, according to what they had done. Obviously, they all failed God's holy standard, and were thrown into the lake of fire. 

41. A new universe was created - Ch 21; Ch 22:1-5 [T+1009 till eternity]. The old earth were destroyed, and God created a new heaven and a new Earth;  I assume the new heaven includes the stars and galaxies, which means a new universe are created. A new Jerusalem came down from Heaven. A river of the water of life runs through the city with tree of life on each bank. The tree of life is for healing of the nations.  

There was no temple in the city, there is no night, nor sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives light and the Lamb is its lamp. Nations and kings will walk by the light and give their splendor into it. 

Note: There are still "nations" in the new earth, ruled by kings. However, it seems that these kings and their subjects are not humans, since the old earth was destroyed and all the humans died. These kings and subjects are those who were raptured or resurrected.  



One of the most frequent questions about Revelation is "when will it happen?"  I've covered that in another blog, but I think it's of disservice if I don't give a summary here. 

There is a theory that is very popular today. It is called Millennial Day Theory. It goes back to the beginning of creation, where God created the heavens and the earth, the living things and finally Adam and Eve in six days. Then he rested on the seventh day. 

As God is the God of order, they believe that the creation of 6 days and 1 day rest, is symbolic of the time given to man to be redeemed. Redemption is the key purpose and mission of God for man, so that ultimately he will be able to dwell with man. 

2 Peter 3:8 said “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day..” (2Pet 3:8)  Thus 6 days is 6000 years of man's life; 1 day of rest is 1000 years, where Jesus will reign on earth. 

The problem with this theory is that no one can calculate when creation happened. To make the explanation short, there were 3 debatable options:

First, the Jewish people has their own calendar, and according to the calendar 2024 is 5784 years from creation. This means that, according to this theory, Jesus will only return 216 years later, from 2024. 

Secondly, there is a popular calendar that many theologians are using. It was created by Archbishop James Usher (1581-1656). This calendar said that creation was 4004 BC. If we add 2024 to 4004 BC, this would mean 6028 had passed. This has exceeded the 6000 years in the Millennial Day theory.  

Thirdly, there is another simpler way to calculate. Hosea 6:1-2 said “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence."

This meant that the Lord will "ignore" Israel for 2 days (2000 years) after his death. On the third day, he will restore them. In other words, Jesus will come again 2000 years from his death and resurrection. 

To calculate the theoretical year of his second coming, we need to know when was he crucified - which is yet another unknown for the theologians. They believe He died between 29AD-33AD. Using 33AD, and add 2000 years,  it would be 2033. In other words, from 2024, there are only 9 years left.  

However, do not forget about rapture. If we believe in pre-tribulation rapture, we remove 7 years from 2033 to estimate when the rapture will happen. In this case it would be 2026 or before.  

No matter what method, these calculations are likely to be wrong. For Jesus had told us that no man knows the precise “day or the hour,” except God the Father. (Matthew 24:36)

The rapture can happen today or tomorrow. I believe it will happen within my lifetime. When the tribulation happens can be 1 year, 10 years, or 20 years from the rapture. We know it cannot be very long as the earth cannot survive the next few generations, with all the global warming, weather disasters, inflation, wars, etc..  

The urgency of the great commission is not based on when Jesus is coming. The urgency is based on the fact that we do not know when we will die, nor do we know when our loved ones and friends may die. Let us not procrastinate but reach out to those who still haven't believe in Jesus Christ.

While we cannot predict the precise time, we are encourage to recognize the signs of the end times, so we can be prepared for it. Paul said: “But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober." (1 Thess 5:4-6) 

In addition, Revelation 1:3 states: “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.” This verse emphasizes the importance of understanding and heeding the signs of the end times, as revealed in the prophetic writings.


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