
Revelation Overview

I. Background a) Author and When It Was Written The book of Revelation was written by Apostle John, son of Zebedee, when he was exiled to the island of Patmos (Ch 1:9) by the Romans for his teaching of the Gospel. John was said to be born in 6 AD, and died in 100 AD at age of 94. He was one of the "inner circle" of Jesus's disciples. The other in the inner circle were Peter and James.  The year that John wrote Revelation was controversial. Some said is the 40's AD, others said in the 90's AD. Most people also believe that John wrote Revelation just before he died. If he wrote it when he was 90 years old, then it should be around 96 AD.  I wonder what will we be doing when we are 90 years old! b) What is the basic message? Revelation basically describe the 7 years of tribulation, starting with warnings and praise to the 7 churches, and ending with the coming of Jesus, where He will reign for 1000 years. After that, God will create a new heaven (universe) and earth,

Revelation 22: River of Life and Conclusion

  Revelation 22: River of Life and Conclusion v1-5: The River of Life Continuing from the last chapter, the angel showed John a river, a water of life, bright as a crystal, flowing from the throne. The river streams through the middle of the city, and on both sides are the tree of life, with twelve kinds of fruits and yield monthly. The leaves were for  the healing of nations. (v1-2) It is apparent that the throne of God and the Lamb is inside the city of New Jerusalem, as the river flows from there and through the city.  Ezekiel 47:1-9 had described a similar river that exist when Christ ruled the earth for a millennium. He also mentioned that the leaves were for healing. Perhaps them temple Ezekiel saw is a model for the New Jerusalem's temple, which is the throne of God and the Lamb.  Again, this strange word of "healing of nations" is still puzzling. According to Revelation 21:5, that says "‘There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old o

Revelation 21: New Earth and New Jerusalem

Revelation 21: New Earth and New Jerusalem v1-8: New Heaven and New Earth After the final judgement,  John saw a new heaven and a new earth, and that the existing ones have "passed away". (v1)  The "heaven" in Greek was Ouranos . It can be used to refer to three types of "heaven: - (a) the atmosphere (the blue sky), (b) outer space (night sky), and (c) Heaven, the place of God's throne. In this case it definitely refers to the sky, but perhaps also the outer space, the universe.  It does not refer to God's throne. Essentially a new universe is created, if it includes outer space. Peter had prophesied that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and describe what will happen to the existing environment: "Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat… Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth

Revelation 20: The Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment.

 Revelation 20: The Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment.  v1-3: Satan Bounded For 1000 years In previous chapter, John described how the anti-Christ and the false prophet were thrown into the lake of fire. Now John describe how Satan himself - the dragon or the ancient serpent (referring to the time of Eden) - were bound up with a great chain by an angel. The angel open the "bottomless pit" with a key, and threw him in and sealed the pit. He can no longer deceive the nations any longer, until a thousand years later, when he must be released for a while. (v1-3) Note that Satan, whose name is arch-angel Lucifer, is a powerful angel. Not only the pit is deep, he had to be tied up with a great (thick and heavy) chain. The pit then had to be divinely sealed until one thousand years later. We will look into why he must be released at that time.  Note that this brings up a fact of spirits life. All spirits appears to be immortal, including angels, demons, and human spirit

Revelation 19: Marriage Supper and The Great Supper

Revelation 19: Marriage Supper and The Great Supper v1-5: Rejoice in Heaven John heard a loud voice from a great multitude in heaven, crying out: “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his judgments are true and just; for he has judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality, and has avenged on her the blood of his servants.” (v1-2) There was great joy of the people who were raptured to heaven for God's justice on those who were involved in propagating sin and murdering His children.  The twenty four elders and the four living creatures around the throne fell down and worshipped God. "Praise our God all you His servants, you who fear Him, small and great."  (v5) v6-10: Marriage Supper of the Lamb The great multitude cry out again, announcing the marriage of the Lamb, and that the "bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure." (v8).  John wrote that the &qu

Revelation 18: The Fall of Babylon

 Revelation 18: The Fall of Babylon v1-8: Angels Proclaim Babylon Has Fallen John saw another angel with great authority - whose glory brightened the world - who declare that Babylon the great has fallen. Babylon was the dwelling place for demons, and a haunt for unclean spirit, unclean bird, and detestable beast. Nations have drunk the wine of passion of her sexual immorality, and kings have committed the same immorality with her. The merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living. (v1-3) While Babylon may or may not be a nation, Babylon is also thought to be a world system that many nations are following at the end days. The world today are moving away from God and worshiping wealth and materialism. They are flexible in sexual conducts and supporting the LGBTQ, and same sex marriage. The super-rich people are manipulating politics and economy to favor themselves. The gap between rich and poor have been increasing. Maybe we have lost the sensitivity to t